Friday, December 7, 2007

Week 10, #23

Final Post (thank goodness)
Favorite things were probably avatars, librarything, video, and library elf(even though I don't use it). I'm sort of used to learning online and independently, so I don't really think that this was really a big revelation for me, although it was nice to get credit for learning about this stuff. It wasn't hard for me, but some of my co-workers toiled for hours on some of this stuff for whatever reason. This course is not bad for people who are used to using computers, but for those who could barely get by to begin with, it was extremely time consuming.
If we had more teens and college kids in our library, we might get asked questions more (but they probably know how to do this stuff anyway), but most of our clientele is middle age plus or young families who either don't have time to do this stuff or are having trouble using the mouse and don't really care about all the 2.0 stuff. I imagine it will trickle down (or up) to them eventually, but I think having their own email account is a major accomplishment for some at this point. Most of this stuff I will probably not bother with after this is over because of time constraints and some of it just doesn't interest me enough to want to do it anyway. Ho hum. or Bah humbug? (ha ha)

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